Stop Stuffin'

Stuffing is probably my least favorite item from Thanksgiving (I like the pumpkin pie and my mom makes a fabulous carrot souffle!), but this time of year, we also see another kind of stuffing - stuffin' our pants into boots.


I'm not against wearing pants tucked into to boots, but I am against stuffing pants that aren't narrow or slim into a pair of boots. 

This excess build-up of fabric happens when we are wearing pants that are usually straight or boot cut.   That doesn't work when you then try to stuff that leg line into a pair of boots that hugs your calves. 

Just because everyone else seems to be wearing their pants tucked into their boots, doesn't mean you should too.  Seriously, stop stuffin!

I know the urge is strong, but it's more important to wear what's flattering for you.  If that happens to be jeans or pants with a boot cut, then so be it!  Just wear your pants OVER your boots.  Wearing your pants that way doesn't make you any less stylish.  I promise! 

Style is what looks good on you, not wearing something because that's what everyone else is doing. 

Keep in mind that boot cut pants (especially jeans), are not at all what they once were when they first became popular, about 10 years ago.  Nowadays, I tell my clients to look for something labeled "Slim Boot Cut". 

If you search the web with this key word phrase, you'll see that boot cut is much more fitted and stylized, but still provides that slight flare at the bottom of the leg, which is very slimming for anyone with hips and thighs (this is much more flattering than always being squeezed into skinny jeans!). 

I would rather have someone opt for a Slim Boot Cut than continue looking like a slave to fashion by stuffing their boots. 

High heels and designer bags don't make you stylish - you could be in flats and still be equally or more stylish because it all comes down to fit, proportion and shape.  Build your wardrobe with those key principles in mind and you'll never go wrong!  :) 

If you feel like your pants still bunch while wearing tall boots, check out these boot straps
, which help keeps your pants tucked in to your boots.  So easy! 

I Can Eat My Deodorant!

Really!  I can!  I've been making my own deodorant for a few years now (actually my mom makes it and we split it), but this is a great thing to do for many reasons. 

I opted to make my own because, well, I don't want them finding aluminum in my brain (linked to several illnesses). 

It's also better for your clothes since it's a natural substance.  It isn't as harsh on the fibers and, it really works!  (Trust me, I do Cheerobix, which burns 600 calories/hour, and I don't stink after class :).  It's also inexpensive and lasts for several months.

Here's the recipe.  This calls for grapefruit essential oil, but you can add whatever you like - lavender, lemon, or leave it out completely. 

And remember, coconut oil should be unrefined - not refined.  Refined is processed and can be too hard on the liver.  As for essential oil, make sure you're buying the good stuff, i.e. 100% pure.  You don't want to be putting synthetics into your body, especially through the skin when there is no filter.

Just like the recipe states, I keep mine in a glass jar.  It will get softer in the summer months, and in the winter, your body heat will help it melt and glide on easily. 

This is a great deodorant recipe for both genders and if you're interested in how I've removed all the chemicals from my beauty routine, please subscribe to my blog, sign up for my free monthly newsletter (see the margin to the right :), or check back. 


Men - you might not use as many "beauty products" as women, but it's still a good idea to remove chemical-filled products from your life.  There's no way our bodies (and poor liver!), can filter everything!  A good place to start is Dr. Br…

Men - you might not use as many "beauty products" as women, but it's still a good idea to remove chemical-filled products from your life.  There's no way our bodies (and poor liver!), can filter everything!  A good place to start is Dr. Bronner's.  This is a picture I took of their shaving cream at Whole Foods.  Their products are organic, certified fair trade and non-toxic. 

I've spent 4 years figuring out what brands are easy to buy, find, and what I can make on my own that doesn't take up tons of time (or money). 

From shampoo to laundry detergent to lotion, lipstick and more, it's been an interesting journey and I'm thrilled to help others live a healthy, toxic-free life!

Here's my favorite account to follow on Instagram regarding natural health, including a recipe for homemade laundry detergent (that last 1 year! - talk about inexpensive :) and other recommend brands.  (And yes, washing soda is a thing -- that's not a typo :).

This girl really knows her stuff!  The things she posts, blows my mind (be sure to check out the Instagram post about music - the vibration has been lowered from 432 hz to 440 hz!).  Even if you're not on Instagram, you can still check out her blog (just Google, 'Organic Olivia').

Here's a blog post I wrote about toxic-free, 100% natural moisturizer, night cream, blush, foundation, mascara and more.

I'd love to know what products you use that are non-toxic and easy to find or make.  I believe we can get back to how nature intended and away from so many chemicals.  Our bodies, our planet and the future is depending on it.  :)